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Dr. Prashant Jain

Dr. Prashant Jain is the Best Pediatric Surgeon in Delhi and has received experienced from working in King Edward Memorial Hospital in Mumbai. With a strong reputation for excellence and positive patient outcomes, Pediatric Surgery Delhi handled by Dr. Prashant Jain ensures that your child receives the best possible treatment.

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Vesicoureteric Reflux Treatment in India by Dr. Prashant Jain

Vesicoureteric reflux is the condition in which the urine flows back from the bladder to the ureter. This condition is also known as vesicoureteral reflux. There is a progressive flow of urine from the kidney to the bladder through ureters.  Website URL: https://pediatricurologistindelhi.blogspot.com/2024/06/vesicoureteric-reflux-treatment-in-india-by-dr-prashant-jain.html