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The A to Z of Informal Essays Along With 100 Best Topics

In contrast to formalized essays, ideas expressed within an informal essay are going to be more conversational and personal. The method of an informal essay is so flexible in tone and form compared with a formal essay that it is ideal for sharing viewpoints, storytelling, or even just introspecting. Website URL:

Pathetic Fallacy by English Assignment Help

Pathetic fallacy is a very strong literary device that ascribes human emotions to either nature or inanimate objects. Often, it is used to depict a character’s mood or the situation’s atmosphere. Website URL:

25 Thesis Statement Examples for Writing Research Papers

For any research paper to be successful, a compelling thesis statement must be written. It acts as the fundamental argument or assertion that the entire article will support, offering direction and emphasis for your work. Website URL:

Advisor vs. Adviser- Fundamental Differences

As little nuances can work wonders in writing, good communication results depend on a sense of minute differences in words. One such frequent misunderstanding arises between Website URL:

Top 10 Longest Words in the English Language

The English language is a wide and varied fabric of words, and its longest terms are among its most fascinating features. Not only are these long words astounding in their size, but their origins and applications are equally intriguing. Website URL: